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My name is Porscha Morgan Knaplund

My love for living my best life started when I discovered the true value of health and fitness while in junior high school. I became heavily involved in sports at an international level. Won two world champion titles

and much more.


​I studied anatomy and physiology, sports psychology, rudiments of sports, and sports nutrition extensively. Having all this information, I became more amazed and fascinated in regards to how the human body works and what an amazing machine we all possess. Sharing my knowledge and experience by helping others is my greatest passion.


Getting in shape shouldn’t be a punishment. It’s an amazing and empowering lifestyle decision that anyone can make. I believe in finding the pleasurable side of fitness; and while there may be a sore muscle or two along the way, the benefits of fitness are worth the challenge. To be able to move the body is a great way to start a conversation with oneself.

With 30 years of experience working with a variety of people, I value the importance of providing personalized, subjective training and nutrition to all my clients, with the sole ambition of helping them achieve their goals and aspirations. I am goal-oriented and value my importance as a coach, whereby leaving an imprint of a healthier lifestyle and well-being


"The closest relation we have is with our bodies, be kind to it"

- Porscha Morgan Knaplund-

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